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Give me your soul. Nishan_nishan@hotmail.com

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Act 2 Scene 2

The scene opens at the same table, only all the food has been eaten. There are bones all over the table. Freddie picks up the leftovers on the table bone by bone, and puts them in a trash bag one by one. Frank is at the mantelpiece looking at family photos. Erica is bringing the plates out of the room and coming back for more. The Young lady’s ghost is speaking to Gayle’s Ghost.

Young Lady: I think I will leave now. I have to show my new self to my fiancé.

Gayle’s ghost: Go joyfully, dear!

The young lady’s ghost skips towards the door, bumps into it and falls down.

Gayle’s Ghost: Not that joyfully, dear. We’re still a tiny bit solid.

The young lady’s ghost nods and opens the door, before going out. Gayle's ghost helps Erica with the dishes. Mrs. Arthur and Bill enter the stage from opposite ends and bump into one another. Arthur has his back turned to the audience and is looking at family pictures.

Mrs. Arthur: Open your eyes when you walk!

Bill: Gets angry Maybe if your eyes weren't painted shut you could look at where you were going!

Mrs. Arthur: Yells Maybe if you has a bit of brains in you, you would know where you were going.

Bill: Falters Garbage! You're spewing garbage out of your mouth!

Freddie: Holds up trash-bag Did somebody say garbage?

Erica enters the scene.

Erica: Stop it! Both of you. I can hear you all the way from the kitchen

Freddie: I didn't say anything!

Erica: Not you, Freddie!

Mrs. Arthur: Menacingly Bill, you are childish, and brainless

Bill: Well, that sounds more like you, Elena!

Yells and screams are heard from the outside. Freddie drops his trash-bag and curiously runs to the window to look out.

Erica: Mrs. Arthur, Aunt, Dad, please, this is a quiet neighborhood.

Freddie: Screaming loudly out the window YES! YES YOU SHOW THEM, THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US! Erica look, they're playing baseball again!

Erica stares for a while. A two second pause. She runs over to the window and starts shaking her fist to the outside.


Erica and Freddie continue to stare outside the window while Frank puts down a photo frame he is holding and walks towards Mrs. Arthur and Bill.

Frank: Mother, I think I would like to leave now.

Mrs. Arthur: And I will come along.

Mrs. Arthur and Frank make to exit the house through the door. Mrs. Arthur trips, falls, and drops her walking stick. The head of the walking stick snaps open and a note falls out of it. Frank bends over Mrs. Arthur, while Bill moves forward and picks the note up.

Frank: Mother, are you alright.

Mrs. Arthur: Oh stop with this nonsense, do I look alright to you? Now help me get back up.

Bill: Reads “...All my wealth will be given to...” and it ends

Mrs. Arthur: What in the world.

Bill: It ends, it ends...

Franks comes forward and pulls the paper out of Bill's hand easily. Bill walks the front corner of the stage and starts pacing back and forth fast. Frank reads out from the piece of paper.

Frank: “I am particularly fond of sunsets, and on this sunset, I, Jacob Arthur want to ensure that when I leave this world, all my wealth will be given to...” and it does end. Mother, is this...is this Grandfather's will?

Mrs. Arthur: Straightens up using the table for support I never knew he had one...

Frank: It looks like he does, if only we knew who he gave all his wealth too.

Gayle’s ghost suddenly speaks.

Gayle’s ghost: I once worked at the Registry Office for Wills. They had copies of every will that was ever registered there. There, that will looks like a registered will to me.

Bill: How would you know it’s registered?

Gayle’s Ghost: There would be a watermark

Gayle’s ghost stands up, walks to Frank, and takes the piece of paper from his hand. Mrs. Arthur, Bill, and Frank gather around her as she holds the paper to the candlelight and searches for the watermark. Freddie and Erica join them and stare at the piece of paper as well.

Mrs. Arthur: I don’t see a watermark…

Freddie: Maybe it dried...

A two second pause.

Gayle’s ghost: Slowly I see it. It’s here. Points at a point on the paper.

Frank: Does this mean, this will was registered, possibly, at the registry office you used to work at?

Gayle’s ghost: Not possible, probably. Our office is the only one for miles who uses a watermark like this. They might have a copy of this.

Bill walks forward and stares into space, before turning around.

Bill: Then we go to the office.

Gayle’s ghost: To the office? It hasn’t been used for years! They’ve probably demolished it.

Erica: They do transfer the wills, don’t they?

Gayle’s ghost: They do, if the work boys are feeling helpful.

Mrs. Arthur: Didn’t you say you used to work there? What happened?

Gayle’s ghost: I quit, for my health. The doctor told me to keep away from anything I got stressed over. Only thing was, he didn’t foresee a Frederick Blacksblood. Glares at Freddie.

Erica: Nobody did. Now, Mrs. Arthur, Dad, I want you two to get some sleep. We can look for the will tomorrow.

Mrs. Arthur: How would I know he isn’t going to look for it first?

Bill: And how would I know she wouldn’t go looking for it before me?

Gayle’s Ghost: Because both of you don’t know where to look.

Mrs. Arthur and Bill nod their heads with understanding. Bill storms out of the scene. Mrs. Arthur stands upright with her head high and makes to go out of the door.

Mrs. Arthur: Frank?

Frank: You go first, mother. I have something I need to say to Erica.

Erica crosses her arms and looks the other way. Freddie takes Mrs. Arthur’s coat and helps her into it, before kissing her hand and opening the door for her.

Freddie: Good night to you, Mademoiselle.

Mrs. Arthur: Thank you dear. Pats Freddie’s cheek.

Mrs. Arthur leaves the scene. Gayle’s ghost rubs her eyes sleepily and silently goes out of the other end. Freddie goes to the window to continue watching what is going on outside. Erica speaks stiffly.

Erica: What did you want to say, Mr. Frank Arthur?

Frank: Why so formal? Steps closer to her.

Erica turns around and tenses up, and then relaxes slowly, sighing.

Erica: I don’t know.

They stay silent for a while. Freddie breaks the silent with a loud shout out the window.

Freddie: THERE YOU GO!

Erica and Frank: Angrily Freddie?

Freddie turns around.

Freddie: Martin scored!

Erica: Surprise What?

Erica rushes to the window next to Freddie and looks outside, almost falling out of the window with enthusiasm. Frank sighs and walks towards Erica, grabbing her by the elbow and spinning her around.

Erica: What was that for?

Frank releases her elbow and stands still, awkwardly. Erica stares at his face. Loud shouts and victory cheers come from out the window, Freddie yells triumphly.

Freddie: I LOVE YOU, MAN!

Frank grabs Erica by the waist and kisses her full on the lips. They stay that way even after the cheers and cries subside. Freddie looks away from the window to see them kissing right in front of him and he jerks backwards, startled. He relaxes and watches them for two seconds, and then moves to the table and blows out the candles. He leaves the stage, the scene ends.

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